NOTE: there is an display issue with the browser version on Windows (it should look like the screenshots/video). The downloaded version works, though.

Something in the Fog is a top-down semi-realtime roguelike horror shooter. Use your flashlight and firearms to escape the fog and the creatures created from within.

Your flashlight can be focused into a tight beam with the right mouse button. The focused beam can stun the undead, making them easier to target with your firearms. Be careful though, focusing the flashlight can quickly drain its battery, which will slowly recharge on its own.

The left-mouse button fires your weapon. When you run out of ammo, press R to reload your gun. The scroll-wheel can switch between weapons. Note that standing still reduces weapon spread (see the in-game sightlines).

This game is graphically-intensive. Enable low-graphics mode on the left panel if your machine is struggling to maintain 60 FPS.

Music by inexazkt:

Graphics Programming:

Gameplay Programming:

Thank you to everyone whose work we used:


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